The Hammerback Happenings

Welcome to the Hammerback Blog-Updated each week

Blogging is an great way to journal the fun events for Reagan to read one day, and awesome for out of town family and friends to stay connected with us too!

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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Reagan's Birthday Party

Hard to get a smile out of this 2 Year Old!!

Pretty serious...

Yeah-Grandma came to see Ray Ray!!

Cousin Phil

Jill and Happy Phil

Cousin Paige

Reagan racing with Cousin Naters

Cousin Conner giving a little push

We invited the entire world to Reagan's first birthday last year, and this year we decided to keep it to just family.  It was fun because Reagan's entire family came--all her aunts and uncles, cousins, and grandpas and grandmas!!  She opened many nice gifts including outfits, books, a bubble mower, a sandbox, sand toys, basketball hoop, DVDs, a Dora blow up bed, and a fishing pole!!  She is a very lucky girl and of course so loved!!